The Quiet Man

The quiet man is a cerebral hunter. The quiet man gravitates to the intellect. He is absorbed into observing and memorizing behavior. The quiet man is a visionary. The quiet man is complex and fascinated with the dynamics of relationships. The quiet man values quality not quantity. The quiet man sees the world through others. The quiet man seeks purity. The quiet man seeks beauty in all; perhaps he sits silently in the distance. The quiet man seeks simplicity in the complex. The quiet man is methodical and artistic. The quiet man is an optimist and embraces the warmth of humans. The quiet man is not a perfectionist. The quiet man admits when he is wrong and does not judge. The quiet man believes in the phrase “I can”. The quiet man sees the value of stages: growth and the truth. The quiet man reaches for spirituality. The quiet man has high standards and is goal oriented. He believes in equality. He is captivated by harmony and the melody of humans. The quiet man is viewed as an anti-socialist by others, a volcano ready to erupt. The quiet man defies social labels. The quiet man is blind by color, but can clearly see ignorance. The quiet man does not have the answers for everything, but only has perception. The quiet man does not like drama or self-pity. The quiet man is ambitious. The quiet man is shaken by intimacy. The quiet man is disturbed by his emotions. Perhaps the quiet man is tired of how he is viewed and labeled. The quiet man is not quiet. Perhaps no one listens to the quiet man, and how could they? The quiet man’s tongue is burning. The quiet man’s perception of himself is mediocrity. When the quiet man speaks, heads turn. People ignore the quiet man. Nobody cares what the quiet man has to say. He knows how he is viewed and would like the change that perception. As much as he tries to change, the label sticks. The quiet man is invisible. What is the quiet man to do? The quiet man is speechless. The quiet man is patient. The quiet man does not want to be the center of attention, but just to be noticed for something else than being quiet. The quiet man is misunderstood. The quiet man is not superficial. Perhaps others are wearing a mask. Perhaps the quiet man is afraid of what others will say when he speaks. Perhaps the quiet man just wants to be himself and be accepted for who he is, not a label. Perhaps we are all labeled in society from the minute we are born; from each stage of life that we enter. Someone gave you a label and it stuck. The reality is that every one of us is different. We are who we are and can’t change that. We like what we like and dislike what we dislike. The minute we speak of it, we are judged not for who we are, but interests. People bond due to interest in general, not for how we approach, live, and manage our lives. Perhaps the quiet man just wants to be accepted for who he is…doesn’t anyone care what the quiet man’s perception is? Maybe if we dug beyond the surface of people, everyone is beautiful in some small way. We all have quirks hang-ups, baggage, skeletons in the closets, and that really shouldn’t matter. Does that define who we are? No.


  1. I really like this…….humming along in the background. Yet, defined by everyone. Not a single definition quite fits, no matter how many labels, opinions or judgements are tossed out there to define. Gorgeous, exquisite, complex, elusive even. Yet simple.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Swoon.
    This is so true. No matter what your label. But I think you nailed it perfectly. This describes a beautiful, wonderful person; someone that maybe only one or two people will ever really, truly get to know. How blessed they are, too, to be allowed a view into the heart, mind and soul of this one.
    Thanks for sharing this. It’s truly excellent.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Beautifully written, introspective, a great homage to the quiet man (also the quiet woman) as the artist-writer of all times in human history, someone who embarks on a courageous life journey in a world where, as you say, people are often valued not for who they are. Instead, attention is paid to what they have and are able to produce in terms of money within the neoliberal cogwheel. The unnoticed unproductive artist-writer (just seen in terms of immediate economic benefit for our too materialistic world) sits on a lonely boat and moves countercurrent, seeking truth and beauty, colliding with icebergs (not being understood or supported by a lover, a relative, a friend, etc.), and hoping to come out of invisibility among the surrounding fog. Thus willpower and talent remain enshadowed unless someone’s willingness, that is, opportunity arises:


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